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L’antica Roma: Colosseo, Palatino e Foro Romano

Tour Info

Meeting point: to be agreed Duration: 3 hours
Info: private transfers from/to Naples, Salerno and Amalfi Coast also available

Visita Guidata del Colosseo, Palatino e Foro Romano con ingresso privilegiato.

Il Colosseo, originariamente conosciuto come Anfiteatro Flavio, è un anfiteatro ellittico posto al centro della città di Roma, il più grande mai costruito nell’impero romano. E’considerato uno delle più grandi opere di architettura e di ingegneria romana. Il Colosseo è un simbolo iconico della Roma Imperiale ed una delle attrazioni turistiche di Roma più popolari. Ha ancora stretti legami con la Chiesa cattolica romana, come ogni Venerdì Santo, il Papa conduce una fiaccolata seguita da una processione  “Via Crucis” che inizia nella zona intorno al Colosseo.

Arena in cui sono stati messi  gladiatori e migliaia di uomini ed animali selvatici a morte davanti a un pubblico assetato di sangue da imperatori folli.
Ammirate il Foro Romano che era il centro dell’Impero, uno spazio aperto dove la gente si fermava e faceva visita al tempio. La nostra guida riporterà in vita i ricordi di un mondo perduto, dall’assassinio di Giulio Cesare ai dettagli affascinanti della vita quotidiana nell’antica Roma.
Passeggiare attraverso l’antica Roma e vedere il luogo dove fu cremato il corpo di Cesare, ammirare il Tempio delle Vestali, la Casa del Senato e proseguire sulla Via Sacra, dove legioni e legionari, una volta sfilavano trionfalmente al ritorno da grandi battaglie.
Scopri il Palatino con i resti dei palazzi imperiali, luogo dove Romolo fondò la città nel 753 aC dopo aver ucciso il fratello Remo.
Non perdete l’occasione di fare un salto nel passato e vivere la storia e la leggenda dell’antica Roma!

La visita prevede guida turistica e ingresso privilegiato

The Colosseum is an iconic symbol of Imperial Rome. It is one of Rome’s most popular tourist attractions and still has close connections to the Roman Catholic Church, as each Good Friday the Pope leads a torchlit “Way of the Cross” procession that starts in the area around the Colosseum.
The place where the mad emperors performed in the arena as gladiators and thousands of men and wild animals were put to death before a blood-thirsty audience.

Admire the Roman Forum which was the centre of the Empire, an open space where the people would stop , gossip, catch up with the latest news and perhaps visit the temple. Our guide will bring back to life the memories of a lost world, from the assassination of Julius Caesar to fascinating details of daily life in ancient Rome.

Walk through the Ancient Rome and see the spot where the body of Caesar was cremated, admire the Temple of the Vestal Virgins, the Senate House and keep going on the Via Sacra, where legions once marched during the the triumphal parades.

Discover the Palatine hill with the remains of the Emperors palaces and the site where Romolus founded the city in 753 BC after killing his brother Remus.

Don’t miss the opportunity to jump in the past and live the history and the legend of Ancient Rome!

The Colosseum is an iconic symbol of Imperial Rome. It is one of Rome’s most popular tourist attractions and still has close connections to the Roman Catholic Church, as each Good Friday the Pope leads a torchlit “Way of the Cross” procession that starts in the area around the Colosseum.
The place where the mad emperors performed in the arena as gladiators and thousands of men and wild animals were put to death before a blood-thirsty audience.

Admire the Roman Forum which was the centre of the Empire, an open space where the people would stop , gossip, catch up with the latest news and perhaps visit the temple. Our guide will bring back to life the memories of a lost world, from the assassination of Julius Caesar to fascinating details of daily life in ancient Rome.

Walk through the Ancient Rome and see the spot where the body of Caesar was cremated, admire the Temple of the Vestal Virgins, the Senate House and keep going on the Via Sacra, where legions once marched during the the triumphal parades.

Discover the Palatine hill with the remains of the Emperors palaces and the site where Romolus founded the city in 753 BC after killing his brother Remus.

Don’t miss the opportunity to jump in the past and live the history and the legend of Ancient Rome!

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